My First Form 4 Exam

 My first form 4 exam has finally ended. As expected, the first several results went quite bad.

 It was a rough week. At last minute, I try to study physics and additional mathematics with my friends since I have confident with these two subjects. When the exam start, I was having a hard time because I can't understand many questions. 

 After the exam ended, some subjects results were given. As expected, I failed my chemistry since I can't understand the things that teacher teach. I get quite bad result for mathematics but at least my physics score a satisfy result. Only the worst thing is my additional mathematics, I got a fail too. Although many seniors say fall additional mathematics at first time is a common thing but is still hard to accept since someone got 100.

 After the first exam, I know my weakness in subjects. In order to improve, I need to study a bit by a bit every day. 


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