What is school for?
What is school for? I recently saw a YouTube and this give me so many meanings. School did teach us important skills like mathematics and science. But after you finish school, you will forgot, so what the true point is there, million of students sing the same song. In school, many of students avoid eye contact with the teacher to try not to get called upon. Afraid to raise your hand for fear of bering wrong proves that school isn't an environment for learning or building up the intellect. It just a game you play for grades and how many A's you can collect. What do you expect when the most commonly asked questions in class is: is this gonna be on the test? See if school put learning instead of testing and memorizing as the top standard, then the letter "F" would not stand for "Failure", it would stand for "Find another answer". If school was realy interested in our personal and academic success, students would wake up later, have been more freedom, and homework a lot less. This conclusion has been scientifically tested.
Students will get more benefit from an extra hour of sleep than putting them through the torture. Not only is pointless but it's also dim witted. Cause we get so much but they didn teach the time management skills to deal with it. In school, we are controlled by bells, we have to learn in room with the feng shui of a prison cell. We have to ask permission to relieve bodily functions but not before the teacher ask a million questions like: why didn't you go before class? But sorry, out blade is at own schedule and it's not always timely. Teacher always say use your time wisely but that never make sense. These six cruel hours of our lives call school might literally be the worst use of time management ever in history.
The traditional teaching method is foolish and useless. What they do is they cram information in your head, force feeding you and then you throw it up on the test. That's not education, that's bulimia. And the more bulimia you are, the better you will do on their assessments and no wonder why so many students graduate, mentally and emotionally anorexic. School teaches you how to memorise dots but true education should teach you how to connect them. The word education comes from the Latin root "educe" meaning "bring out", bring the gifts out of a person and make them viable. But school didn't bring out much. It just stuffs more facts inside of you. Some of that stuff is justifiable, we need reading, writing and some arithmetic, that's fair. But is it metamorphic and igneons rocks are more important than self care? Why the heck aren't we re aught how to handle stress, bullies and rejection. How about anxiety or depression? Skills we need for our entire lives?
Seriously, what is school for? Some say you need it to be successful and that's something we do not doubt but do you own a mac book and iPhone? Did you know they both were created by dropout? Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat or even WhatsApp? Thank a dropout. When you open your history books, you will found out the person you idplize never realy had formal our secondary schooling. Some schools are great and many teachers are rare treasures but there are differences between people who are smart and people who score better. Our future is something no test will ever measure. Our destiny is in our hands we must shape it to be great. Sometimes you did wonder about all the dream lost in school and how much potential goes to waste.
So, actually what is school for?
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